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  1. Annual Meeting of the Members

    December 22, 2020


    Register at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5710638406361803534
    Webinar ID: 642-065-795

    As the Managing Agent for 6600 Forest Estates Homeowners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce there will be a Telephonic Annual Meeting of the Members held on Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the current affairs of the Association. Please see the attached copies. Should you have any questions about the Annual Meeting, email Lori at lori@essexhoa.com or Dwyann at dwyann@essexhoa.com, or you can click on the “Contact Us” tab, and follow the prompts. An Essex representative will contact you shortly. We are looking forward to you joining us for your annual meeting on December 22, 2020 at 6 PM.

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Annual Meeting Notice 12.22 20.20

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Draft Agena Annual Meeting 12.22.2020

    City: Dallas
    Country: USA
    State: Texas
  2. Board of Directors Meeting

    December 07, 2020


    Zoom Meeting
    Registration URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83271571337?pwd=UzZXY2VwbVBEM0JlOERFYjFhaWg1QT09
    Dial in: (346) 248-7799
    Meeting ID: 832 7157 1337
    Passcode: 667004

    We are pleased to announce there will be a Telephonic Board of Directors Meeting held on Monday, December 7, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the needed assessment increase for 2021. Included you will find a copy of the Draft Agenda. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming Telephonic Board of Directors Meeting please email Lori at lori@essexhoa.com, or Dwyann at dwyann@esseshoa.com, or by visiting your homeowner website at www.6600forestestateshoa.com and click on the “Contact Us” tab and follow the prompts. An Essex representative will contact you.

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Board Meeting Notice 12.7.20

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Draft Agenda BOD Meeting 12.7.20

    City: Dallas
    Country: USA
    State: Texas
  3. Board of Directors Meeting

    October 05, 2020


    There will be a Telephonic Board Meeting on Monday 10/5/20 at 6:00 p.m. You may print the Agenda and Meeting Notice from this website.

    If you have any questions, please email Lori Dalrymple at lori@essexhoa.com. We hope to see you log on to the meeting.

    Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/275554516603874315
    Webinar ID: 886-082-691

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Board Meeting Notice 10.5.20

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Draft Agena BOD Meeting 10.5.20

    City: Dallas
    Country: USA
    State: Texas
  4. Notice of Special Election Meeting of the Members

    July 15, 2020

    We are pleased to announce the Online/Telephonic Special Election Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday July 15, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to vote to elect three (3) members to the Board of Directors. Enclosed in this packet you will find the Agenda and Proxy with Consent in Lieu of Meeting Form, Ballot, and Candidacy Forms of all the candidates. The Balloting instructions and all of the forms enclosed in this packet are available on the Association’s website www.6600forestestateshoa.com.

    In order for the all of the votes to be counted, it is very important that you cast your vote or assign your proxy by 5:00 p.m. Tuesday July 14, 2020. The Special Election Meeting cannot take place without the proper quorum. Submit your electronic vote/proxy on your website www.6600forestestateshoa.com, or by emailing them to lori@essexhoa.com.

    All documentation enclosed will be available on the Association website. You may cast your vote electronically on the Homeowner Dashboard of the Association website at www.6600forestestateshoa.com until 5:00 p.m. Tuesday July 14, 2020. Only the Owner of record or the proxy holder may cast votes. It is important that your vote be submitted by or before this deadline. Ballots and Proxies may also be returned by email to lori@essexhoa.com, however, any form returned after the deadline may not be counted.

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates- Online Notice - 7.15.20

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates Ballot and Proxy 7.15.20

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates Agenda 7.15.20

    City: Dallas
    Country: USA
    State: Texas
  5. Notice of Annual Meeting of the Members

    May 01, 2019

    We are pleased to announce that the Annual Meeting of the Members has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 1, 2019. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association, to present information on current Association affairs, and to elect one (1) members to the Board of Directors.

    Enclosed in this packet you will find the agenda, board candidacy form and a proxy. Even if you plan on attending it is important that you return your proxy as unforeseen circumstances may occur, preventing you from being able to attend. The Annual Meeting cannot be held unless quorum requirements are met, either in person or by proxy. If a meeting must be reconvened for a later date, additional costs to the Association are incurred. If you do not wish to assign your proxy for voting purposes please check the box indicating “for quorum purposes only”.

      Date: Wednesday, May 1, 2019
      Time: 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

      Location: Unity Church of Dallas
      6525 Forest Lane
      Dallas, Texas 75230

    Check in will begin at 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing you there on Wednesday, May 1, 2019. If you have any questions about the upcoming meeting, please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab at www.6600forestestateshoa.com and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates- Annual Mtg.- Notice- 5.1.19

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates-Candidacy Form- 5.1.19

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates- Annual Mtg- Proxy- 5.1.19

    Click here to download and read the 6600 Forest Estates- Annual Mtg- Draft Agenda-5.1.19

    Street: 6525 Forest Lane
    City: Dallas
    Country: USA
    State: Texas